Wideband Wire LPDA


The LPDA-A0124 is a directional log-periodic dipole array that covers the frequency band 80 to 3000 MHz with a typical gain of 6 dBi. It can be used as a spectrum monitoring antenna. It is also used for EMC emission and susceptibility testing. Polarisation is adjustable between vertical and horizontal via the mounting bracket. The wire construction of this antenna makes it lightweight and allows for very compact storage. It is easy to collapse the antenna and break off any accumulated ice. All antenna elements are permanently attached to the boom, preventing any parts from becoming lost in the field.

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Frequency range 80 - 3000 MHz
VSWR < 2.5:1
Gain > 6 dBi typical
Nominal impedance 50 O
Elevation 3 dB beamwidth 60°
Azimuth 3 dB beamwidth 110°
Polarisation Linear
Power handling Receive only
Connector N-type female
Dimensions Length: 2650 mm excl. mounting Width: 2000 mm Height: 200 mm
Total mass < 16 kg
Material Aluminium | fibreglass |stainless steel wire
Mounting method Swivel bracket attached with U-bolts to mast. Quick removal system
Temperature range Storage: -41 °C to +71 °C. Operation -31 °C to +55 °C
Wind survival 120 km/h (without ice)

    Product Applications

    Test and Measurement
  • Spectrum surveillance
  • Spectrum Management
  • Spectrum Monitoring

    Design Features

  • Low VSWR and high gain over the frequency band Vertical and horizontal polarisation Quick deployment Compact storage