Wideband Marine DF Antenna


The DF-A0123 is a wideband DF antenna suitable for fixed mast-mounted and marine applications. A hybrid between the compact DF-A0037 and the full-size DF-A0001, the antenna has a full-size lowband array for best DF performance at low frequencies where the compact array is small. Inside the radome are two pentagonal arrays for the middle and high frequency ranges. Secondary arrays of dipoles and monopoles are combined, to provide omni outputs up to 3.6 GHz.A cavity inside the antenna, approximately 350 mm wide by 370 mm high, allows an RF switch to be integrated into the antenna, reducing cable loss and weight. The cavity slides open, the switch can be installed by one person, on a mast, without a crane

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Frequency range 20 - 3600 MHz
Feed power handling 0.5 W (receive only)
Polarisation Vertical
Internal connectors SMA male SS
DF type Correlative interferometer
Frequency bands DF-A0123 DF-A0123-01 A: 1 - 90 MHz *1 B: 20 - 300 MHz C: 100 - 800 MHz D: 750 - 3600 MHz B: 20 - 300 MHz C: 100 - 800 MHz D: 750 - 3600 MHz
DF accuracy in azimuth A: 3° RMS *2 B: 2° RMS *2 C: 2° RMS *2 D: 2° RMS *2 B: 2° RMS *2 C: 2° RMS *2 D: 2° RMS *2
Frequency bands AB: 1 - 700 MHz C: 700 - 3600 MHz
Monitoring antennas AB: combined 5 dipoles C: combined 5 monopoles
GPS antenna Active patch antenna
Compass Bracket for KVH C100 compass
Dimensions (h x d) 2.4 m high x 2.6 m diameter (excluding detachable 1.2 m whip)
Mass < 95 kg
Colour White
Temperature range -30 °C to +70 °C

    Product Applications

    Signals Intelligence
  • Radio Direction Finding
  • C-ESM

    Design Features

  • Full-band correlative interferometer Wideband dedicated omni capability Hardened for marine applicationsoption