Dual-Polarised LPDA Antenna


The LPDA-A0040 is a high-powered, 1 kW, directional logperiodic dipole array that covers the 30 to 100 MHz frequency band. The antenna is supplied with its mounting bracket and isolator pole.

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Frequency range 30 - 100 MHz
VSWR < 2.5:1
Nominal input impedance 50 O (nominal)
Isolation < 15 dB
Feed power handling 1 kW
Front-to-back ratio < 20 dB
Gain 5 dBi typical over the frequency band. Gain reduces from about 6 dBi at 42 MHz to 0.5 dBi at 30 MHz
Elevation 3 dB beamwidth 64° - 80°
Azimuth 3 dB beamwidth 260° - 116°
Polarisation Dual
Connectors Two 7/16 female (one for each pole)
Dimensions Width 3700 mm; depth 3700 mm; length 3600 mm
Material Aluminum
Total mass < 45 kg (Including mounting bracket and isolator pole)

    Product Applications

    Electronic Countermeasures
  • Communications Jamming
  • Communications
  • Point-to-point Communications