VCF Stand-off Bracket


The VCF stand-off bracket is a mast mount base that has been optimised for use with the VCF family of products. The bracket is suitable to be mounted on masts with diameters ranging from 40 to 60 mm.

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Frequency range 1 MHz - 1 GHz
Power input (both ports) 1 - 30 MHz; 400 W 30 - 400 MHz; 200W 400 - 1000; MHz 100 W
Nominal input impedance 50 O
Connectors 1 x N-type female
Length 120 mm
Width 80 mm
Height 120 mm
Total mass < 2 kg

    Product Applications

  • Point-to-point Communications

    Design Features

  • Wideband (1 MHz to 1 GHz). Designed for use with the VCF antenna range. Mast mounted.