High-Speed DF Antenna Commutating Switch


The DF-A0052 is a high-speed, 3-band, 5- to 3-channel commutating switch intended for switched elements direction finding applications. The switch accepts three frequency bands, each with 5 antenna elements, and routes any 3 elements of a selected band of 5 elements to any of the 3 outputs. The switch is designed to be mounted internally within the weatherproof cavity of the DF-A0029, DF-A0031 and DFA0037 direction finding antennas.

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Frequency range 1 - 3600 MHz
Input VSWR < 2.5:1
Gain 100 MHz
Gain 1000 MHz
Gain 3000 MHz
Noise figure < 10 dB
OIP3 < 1000 MHz 30 dBm
OIP3 > 1000 MHz 27 dBm

    Product Applications

    Signals Intelligence
  • Radio Direction Finding
  • C-ESM

    Design Features

  • 3-band, 5- to 3-channel commutating switch Low noise amplifier on each channel Wideband internal noise source for chain calibration External injection mode for chain calibration High-speed solid state switching